
Group's Businesses

A large enterprise group mainly engaged in the production and sale of petroleum products, new energy and investment, asset management and property leasing.

Business profile

The investment properties held by Silver Grant International are in favorable geographical location in Beijing and Hong Kong. The property in Beijing is situated at the center of the East Second Ring CBD. It is adjacent to many star-class hotels and high-grade office buildings and surrounded by Sanlitun embassy district, a number of financial institutions and offices of foreign companies.
The property leasing business enjoys a stable cash flow, and its valuation has created more possibilities for Silver Grant International on its future development and financing means.
In the future, we will further increase our rent income by improving property management, upgrading and transforming hardware facilities and adjusting the business format of tenants. We will also consider acquiring quality commercial properties in due time, reproducing the existing management mode and expanding the scale of operation.

Self-owned Properties

East Gate Plaza is situated in Dongzhimen traffic hub area of the East Second Ring Road, Beijing, the center of the busiest business district in eastern Beijing, where stands Jianguomen, ITC Building, Yansha and International Exhibition Center. The property represents a complex that integrates offices, business and serviced apartments. It covers a land area of 59,000m2, with a construction land of 48,000m2 and a gross floor area of 189,000m2 (including 42,000m2 for offices, 29,000m2 for business, 25,000m2 for catering and recreation, 63,000m2 for apartments and 30,000m2 for underground parking lots and equipment rooms).

  • Gross Land Area

  • Construction Land

  • Gross Floor Area

About Silver Grant
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New Energy And Investment
Asset Management
Property Leasing
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